Life Lessons *Revisited* - with love, from a Highly Sensitive Soul, INFP & Cat Lover

Hello World!

It has been a minute since I’ve written a blog post - & that’s okay! I gave myself permission to take a break. Life has been very, very full - to say the least! During this past year,

  • I navigated an unexpected & extra challenging move (which turned out to be a blessing!)

  • Landed a side gig (twice!) to help pay the bills while slowly/spaciously growing my biz (a story in & of itself!)

  • Helped support a loved one through a painful divorce - a nightmare, actually - (definitely an eye-opener on multiple levels)

  • Lost a beloved kitty cat/BFF who peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge - in my presence & in our new living room. Rest in peace, sweet Sally Meow

All the while, I tried my absolute best to take care of myself. Like many (all?) HSPs, I require more sleep & down time than other folks. Quality sleep is medicine for me; I really can’t do without it whilst continuing to THRIVE! I also need plenty of quiet time to ponder, daydream, write/journal, think & simply BE. (I’ve been teased throughout my life - mostly, but not always, in a good natured fashion - about the amount of sleep I require & how highly I prioritize it. You know what? No excuses. No shame. It’s what I need, & that’s that. #Self-Care)

How about you; can you relate?

There have been so many important lessons throughout all of these experiences. I’ll share a few key reminders here; hopefully they will help you too!

It’s okay (& sometimes necessary) to accept help from others - even if one is a super independent type.

Accepting help from others can be difficult, I know. HSPs do not enjoy “imposing” on others …

An example from my life: I did not adequately calculate how long it would take me to prepare for my most recent move. Not to mention, moving stresses me out to the Nth degree!! When my landlord announced that he was going to sell the property, it came as quite a surprise. I had lived in my lovely, enchanting “treehouse” for 7 years. Between all of the people who (seemingly) endlessly marched through the property (potential buyers, contractors, realtors, etc.) and the crazy loud noise of the main house renovations, my nervous system was completely frazzled. I was blessed & relieved beyond measure when a beautiful friend helped me big time (miraculously so!) in the eleventh hour. Alison: I truly can not thank you enough for your monumental help!! Your packing & moving skills slay!!

How do you feel about accepting help from others?

HSPs often do not give ourselves enough credit for how strong & resilient we truly are!!

How would you describe your strength & resilience factors?

btw: With the extraordinary help of Valerie Cline, I created a very helpful, lovely self-paced Resilience Course for HSPs. You can find it here for $27; it’s a good one - if I do say so myself!!

HSPs are highly skilled at supporting others emotionally (& otherwise).

This, indeed, is one of our superpowers. Our depth of processing coupled with our tremendous empathy & sensitivity to subtleties = a potent combo for supporting others through difficult times. Being HSPs, we often over-give & run our wells dry. Then we feel exhausted & depleted. It’s imperative for us to monitor how deeply/frequently we give of ourselves (& how we feel about it). It took me quite some time (throughout my 20s & into my 30s) to strike the right balance for me. Tuning inward regularly - to check in with myself - helps me strike that right balance - via journaling. walking & meditating.

How do you feel about offering support to others? Is that same kind of support reciprocated - in your direction?

Self-Care is a non-negotiable for HSPs; it’s imperative for our well-being.

“Self-Care” is a bit of a buzz word/phrase these days. My definition = Tending to ourselves lovingly, generously & holistically - on the daily. This includes: quality sleep + wonderful nutrition + exercise + meditation/inner work/learning + meaningful work/contributions + growing!

It means:

  • connecting deeply with self & others

  • setting & maintaining appropriate boundaries

  • nurturing our soul

  • practicing gratitude

  • seeking/seeing joy & delight each day

  • playing/creating

  • resting/rejuvenating/replenishing

What does Self-Care mean to you?

Trust y/our keen intuition - always.

This could be an entire blog post in & of itself. But, for now, please remember to trust your intuition. It will rarely lead you astray.

What is an example of how your intuition has guided you along the right path?

Oftentimes, challenging situations turn out to be blessings (& opportunities for GROWTH)! Growing (even when painful) lights me up!

My move was both challenging & overwhelming; it was flat out hard. In the end, however, it turned out to be a blessing. I absolutely love my new home/space. I love it even more than my prior home!!! And my landlord is a dream!! Feeling very blessed & grateful!

What is an example of how a challenging situation in your life turned out to be a blessing?


Side Note: Recently, I’ve been exploring the topic of childhood trauma & its impact on developing humans - especially HSPs. I felt inspired to learn even more about complex trauma (C-PTSD) after a dear friend (who has become a soul sister) shared her heart-wrenching story with me. I’ve discovered some brilliant resources & will share more about them in the future. Undoubtedly, there are MANY (the stat varies greatly) adult humans with childhood trauma (both treated & not) wandering about … trying to navigate life. This topic/experience/existential reality keenly interests me.

I absolutely LOVE to write/journal; it’s very clarifying, healing & cathartic for me. So … I’m choosing to write even more consistently from this point forward. My future book is certainly not going to write itself!!

Is there currently a practice to which you would like to commit more time/energy/effort? I support you on that journey!!

Cats make me SO happy! I love sharing pics of them with you!

Is there a special kitty (or doggie) in your life? I hope so!

Until next time …

Much Love. XO

Mary — The Sensitive Sherpa (TSS)

Please leave a comment below if you feel so inclined.


Hi; I’m Mary - a Highly Sensitive Person, cat lover, tea drinker and counselor. I love helping HSPs navigate life while caring for their sensitive souls.

If my work resonates with you, I think you’ll enjoy joining my email list & receiving my free HSP Manifesto. Hope to connect with you soon!

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